

Matter employs a highly defensible method for identifying, preserving, and collection Electronically Stored Information (ESI), whether it is located on a computer, network, cloud, or mobile device.

  • Preservation and collection of data from social networking sites

  • Preservation and collection of data from cloud-based storage repositories

  • Collection of ESI from smart phones, cellphones, tablets, etc.

  • Remote collection services

  • Collection of corporate or personal email accounts, as well as, third party accounts

  • ESI processing (deDupe, intake & analysis, data reduction, etc.)

  • ESI Hosting

Forensics and Collections

Matter Discovery Forensic group will investigate and answer any issues surrounding a particular incident or event where suspicious activity with regards to data is presumed.

  • Recover deleted files and file fragments related to a specific case

  • Provide expert testimony

  • Analysis of hard drives and other media using industry accepted software and hardware

  • Small to large-scale collections ranging from one custodian to hundreds

  • Preservation and collection of data from social networking sites

  • Collection of ESI from cell phones, smart phones, and tablets, etc.

Paper Discovery

Even though ESI grows more and more every year, paper documents are not going away anytime soon. Matter Discovery LLC, has offices and partners across the country. Backed by advanced equipment and technology, Matter can scan, manage, and store important paper documents that an organization may need to maintain.

  • Scanning, logical document determination, OCR, and indexing

  • Scanning of paper documents utilizing software to capture and index images in order to create searchable databases

  • Large or small scale copying of paper documents

  • Coding and printing of documents whether involved in litigation or for basic digital preservation

  • Recordable media

  • Matter has successfully and regularly managed projects for major law firms, corporations, government agencies, and colleges

  • Trial boards and exhibits

  • On-site scanning

  • Binding services